The Top 5 Books to Read to Get You Going on Blockchain & Crypto

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However, after reading various cryptocurrency enthusiasts’ testimony around the web, we compiled a list of the 5 best books that everyone may read, including crypto dummies, to grasp what cryptocurrency is, the basics of bitcoin, and blockchain technology.

1. The Internet of Money
The Internet of Money, written by Andreas M. Antonopoulos, is a collection of inspiring and visionary presentations by the author, outlining the future of money in an approachable, engaging, and entertaining style for all kinds of audiences.

While numerous publications describe how cryptocurrency works, the internet of money dives deeper into why cryptocurrency works. The author not only examines the technology’s technical functions, but also its social, philosophical, economic, historical, and financial implications.

This book contains useful information for a total crypto neophyte, as well as adds to the existing knowledge of industry specialists on why investing and having knowledge in digital currency are worthwhile.

2. Cryptoassets
Chris Burniske and Jack Tatar, two bitcoin industry insiders, wrote Cryptoassets. This book provides clear, straightforward, and easy-to-understand instructions for navigating the world of digital currencies and investing in these rising assets to ensure your financial future.

It emphasizes the significance of investing and entering into bitcoin and blockchain technology, as well as providing readers with the skills they’ll need to succeed in the sector.

Cryptoassets provides you with tools like portfolio management approaches for maximizing returns while controlling risk, a practical framework for examining and evaluating bitcoin assets, historical context, and suggestions for navigating inevitable bubbles and manias, among other things.

3. Bitcoin from Beginner to Expert
This book is intended for investors with no prior experience with virtual currency to stay updated, and it’s a wonderful place to start if you want to learn more about it.

This book will teach you the fundamentals of bitcoin, including how it works and how to use it safely. It will also provide you with a foundation from which to learn more and explore areas that may be of more interest to you, such as generating bitcoin through mining, trading, or investing.

Just like some other books, Bitcoin from Beginner to Expert is an ultimate guide to cryptocurrency and blockchain technology making it useful for newbies and experts alike.

4. The Business Blockchain
By thoroughly deconstructing the elements of cryptocurrency and its underlying technology, this book increases our understanding of cryptocurrency and its underlying technology. The book’s author, William Mougayar, envisions a future in which hundreds of blockchain technologies will enable frictionless value exchange, a new flow of value, and the redefinition of roles, relationships, power, and governance.

In his book, Mougayar discusses the real-world applications of bitcoin and blockchain technology, as well as the reasons why individuals and organizations should switch to the developing technology and how they can play it responsibly.

5. Cryptocurrency Investing Bible
The Cryptocurrency Investing Bible is a comprehensive introduction to blockchain, mining, trading, Ethereum, exchanges, the best top cryptocurrencies for investing, and the best money-making tactics.

Cryptocurrency Investing Bible, written by Alan T. Norman, will explain strategies to make money in the bitcoin market, including how to get started with very little money and, most crucially, the facts about cryptocurrency that specialists keep from others.

His goal, according to Norman, is to help users set up and develop businesses in one of the cryptocurrency areas.

Closing Thoughts
We consider these five books the best since they contain all of the information you need to appear knowledgeable, stay current, and become an expert in the bitcoin, cryptocurrency, and blockchain industries.

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